So now that I am officially STUMPED and BEHIND I am not sure what to do. We can and only can have one internet provider where I live and their available to the consumer bandwith is far behind. They do not want a memory stick movie and most in my county can't even get fast enough internet to allow quality TV viewing.
My customers do not watch TV on the internet. Imagine my disappointment (and explaining it to my wife) when I come home with a $3,000.00 Mac expecting to download CS6 only to be told I have to use the CC suite and I lost ENCORE! Shame on Adobe. My last render on the older iMac with Encore CS6 took about 18 hours and the newer one rendered from Premiere Pro CC in 9 hours and for me thats signficiant but creating chapters in Premiere Pro CC was a waste of time since they do not transfer as embeded chapters in the m2v file format needed for creating the DVD with Encore in the older iMac. This weekend I bought the fastest available iMac 27' to replace my slightly slower iMac 27' (which has the subscription Premiere Pro CS6 and Encore). For people like myself, I have just become extinct.
I read on Adobe's site that Encore is no longer supported since DVDs are obsolete and everyone on the planet has fast access internet on every television and electronic viewing device in the home.